lisa: peter finn is a former catholic priest who worked alongside linda's father. joe came down, really, to relieve and fill in for another priest that i was with who'd gone on holiday, so it was very interesting times, really, because i got to know joe in that period quite well. we sort of hit it off really quickly and really easily, so that was great. linda: yeah, i've heard he was well-liked. peter: yeah, very well, and even in my eulogy at his funeral, i was able to say a lot of things, good things, which you've got a copy of, but then now, to realize there was another side to him, which i didn't know. linda: it certainly affected my whole family, and my mother and myself, of course. peter: so, you feel free to ask me anything you want and i'll try and-- linda: i can't just at the moment. thank you so much. peter: that's all right. that's okay. no, it's fine. lisa: for linda, remembering how hard it was for her mother and finally being able to talk to someone who knew her father, it's a big step forward, but it's a difficult one. peter: really tough on you. lis