my name is peter galvin. in the conservation director for the center of biological diversity. thanks so much for coming tonight. i want to thank busboys impose, greenpeace and antonia for writing this book. is not a happy topic but an important one for us to know as much as we can about program the early days of the deepwater horizon disaster the media was portraying the event as if this was a natural disaster, terrible natural disaster to to a technological lich that was beyond the control of humans, and early on even in the first night as we spoke, it was clear to us that this was not a natural disaster. this was a policy disaster. this was a disaster caused specifically by policies implemented by the u.s. government. and, as we began to look to the minerals and management services, and now bomber, the new agency, we began to realize that thousands of these drilling plans have been issued with categorical exclusions. the lowest level of environmental analysis done and interestingly, the minerals management service which is no stalwart of the barman to protection, would not a