gray area. and russia's taken advantage of that. >> so put it in context as to what's happening in russia right now. you've written all about the historical leaders from katherine the great, peterhe great, stalin. but this is putin's russia, and he's facing an election. what is the context and the status there? >> putin has intervened in syria, he's intervened in the ukraine. syria is turning out to be a muchult more ffd sticky aren a military front than he expected. at home he's running a sort of fake election where candidates like his sobchak are running against him. he's desperate to show strength, and to project military power. that is putin's kind of formula. and the formula, all russian leaders, from stalin onwards, that is security and prosperity at home, glory abroad. >> one of the former obama administration officials wrote today about putin's sort of -- it's a potemkin village, you've written a lot about that russian leader, but basically saying he may not be all that he's cracked up to be. explain what you think he means. >> he isn't all he's cracked up to be. the columny is sc-- it's so necessary to the image and the excitement to the russian people who want to beli