peter griffin, hello. it's me right behind there looking all tubby. and of course brian.g a whole lot there. those are the big four. those are the main ones. >> larry: how about cleveland? >> cleveland, you know, i don't -- thank god i don't do the voice of cleveland. i don't have to perform. >> larry: are you brian? >> i am brian, yep. but yeah. cleveland is voiced by a very funny comedian that i went to college with. >> larry: do voices come easily to you? are you a mimic? >> yeah. i used to do impressions a lot as a kid and, you know, i was always kind of fascinated by dialects and whatnot. and there's -- >> larry: is the brian character you? >> in some ways, yes. in some ways. >> larry: some ways or more ways? >> yeah, yeah. he's -- >> larry: we have some tweet questions. i'll lay them on you. is baby stue gay or bisexual? >> we haven't really decided. there was a bit of press that came out a while back in which stue was outed as being gay and it was kind of taken out of context. it was in reference to an episode we thought we were going to do and then abandoned. we h