peter fawcett. he was a reverend had a very had a very fascinating life. i think he he was a hemmings. his last name was fawcett. but his father joseph fossett a blacksmith was the son of mary hemmings. who was the older sister to james hemings and sally hemings on and fawcett grew up as a member of the hemis family. he didn't have to do made the same manual labor that some other enslaved people did on the plantation. but jefferson died in 1826. peter was only 11 and all of a sudden his life completely changed families were broken up 130 people were auctioned after jefferson's death. joseph was actually one of the people that were that were freed, but but peter was not he was sold to a master a very cruel master who forbade him to read who whipped him, you know, it was a very is a time of suffering for that for this young man who left monticello. he tried to escape and was caught and brought back. eventually joseph foster joseph fawcett rather with the help of some friends was able to buy his son's freedom and they all the whole family moved to ohio peter fawcett became a reverend. he