my name is peter honaka and i live near the proposed development, i appreciate you taking the time of hearing the area merchants, some of who are indicated on this map who oppose this project and the concerns of the 400 people who expressed opposition to the project. of course, this hearing should not be necessary, in september, 2010, the planning commission clearly requested that the developer work with the neighbors on this project. commissioners antonini, moore and sugaya expressed particular concerns about this project. unfortunately, the developer has never tried to compromise with the neighbors, the couple of times he's been willing to meet with us, he has listened to our comments and gone ahead and filed his plans unchanged. the only significant changes he made which affixed code violations from the planning department, that is not sufficient, this project must also comply with the eastern neighbors plan and it doesn't, here are some examples. policy 123 say that is in general where residential development is permitted, the building height and bulk guidelines and bedroom mixed