it's a question that's being heavily explored by peter joseph creator of the zite case film series he was recently right here on this show discussing these difficult questions and the idea that war is a symptom of a much larger disease check it out. it is eases our refusal as a global civilization to the very fundamentally share our resources compounded by this fear generation that's perpetual which is driven by imperialism which is no mystery of anyone studied basic history but the economic system is where all of this resides and the problem isn't that the intelligent people out there aren't aware of this is that no effort is being made to actually go to this root cause and make a decision to put pressure on all the establishment of the world to begin to work together and the the real danger ultimately is that we're no longer a closed society if if say india and pakistan decided to go to nuclear war for basic ideological or resource reasons in fact that would affect everybody on the planet so this is now a public issue across the entire world we have to grow up and become mature lear