. ♪ >> jimmy: you know my next guest as peter kavinsky from the "to all the boys" franchise.next friday here is noah centineo. noah, man, you are a good actor. >> oh, man >> jimmy: you faked out me and dolly parton >> have you heard the truth? >> jimmy: no >> the truth is pretty good. >> jimmy: what is the truth? >> the truth is, i brought my cat to a friend's house, but i had to send him home in a taxi, because he didn't getalong with my friend's dog. >> jimmy: wait, the cat by himself? [ laughter ] did he make it home? >> he made it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that is really funny, dude oh, my gosh. i love that you trusted the cab that much, like, "just make sure this cat gets to it home. >> you know, i thought about it, and i was like, i tipped him pretty heavy and i was like, "hey man, he's an outdoor cat. just get him to the address, open the door, he'll know what to do. but he could have just driven two blocks and let the cat out, but he did it. >> jimmy: genius that is a great story, oh, my gosh the last time you were on the show you were here in studio, and then everythin