it was peter mandelson that i remember saying the labour party needed to find a new narrative. be talking about rasputin! i thought, how weird. what does that word mean? people are so self conscious now about the need to construct stories, to have a back story, a charismatic central figure struggling to do something. and it seems like the techniques of novel writing have been adopted wholesale by spin doctors and political analysts and movers and shakers. when you were writing it, you must have been aware that the whole political debate about fake news, the now famous phrase, about truth, falsehood, the manipulation of truth, had really been taken and thrust into the limelight for us all in a way that wasn't the case five years ago. that was the weird thing about the book. i finished it last spring. fake news wasn't a word when i handed the book in to my publisher, and i had a weird tingling in my spine when people started arguing about the truth and falsehood, and alternative facts, and i thought, this is so bizarre. i suppose there is nothing new under the sun. this book deal