but says all the faculty of law and silver portent of a second behind me and as peter martin ford finished third. with her when he has a surname ask the first ate this piece today to win two consecutive gold medals right she's serving bowls a number of titles under her belt it seems she's only getting stronger by her rival for august supplements of march jackson said he is just as strong as you seen bolt. now remember that none of the west actually standing out from nas and kelis peter and tina raining now and also that she was the shortest and hike along the three merits on the pony and pushed over teams after an intense training. and of course our big kid medal favourite kenyan i left for sochi and apparently there was a big send off at the airport that's exactly korea's rainy windy chen thinking a knock down the pot on the plane down for such test this afternoon i was asking to care for early end to check up on this team match and take a listen to mars before heading out to her second olympics. for years have already passed and my second olympics this year. i'm not trying to think of th