but home encounter ceo peter murphy says trouble can come if developers again turn surburban apartments into condos, as this is what fueled the housing market meltdown. but downtown living is the trend now, so it's too early to know if a new glut is forming. developers have a unique challenge on their hands they gotta predict what the demand is- they'll learn very quickly weather there's an appetite for half a million condos on their hands. if someone was looking to build a suburban condominium tower i think we would be near saturation point, but for the urban condo tower there's probably more demand here locally that can still be absorbed. of course if sales on new downtown projects fall flat, developers can do what they did last time - scrap selling and rent them out. you're always going to see owners occupied living alongside renters - you see it locally here in tampa, and you see it in ny chicago and boston, anywhere you have that condo lifestyle it's a product that's really suitable to to have both is really ideal for the developers. for first business news, i'm jackie keenan. and