joining me now is veteran counterextremism peter neumann, center for study of radicalization and political violence and aimen dean, former al qaeda member who turned spy who infiltrated the heights of the organization for british organizations. gentlemen, welcome you both back to the program. at what point did you think we would have to be dealing with precisely this issue? aimen, you know it from a very personal experience. but are you surprised that the whole isis take two, if you like, is unfolding right now? ghters and brides?e foreign >> after every con flinflict we the same problem. after the soviet invasion of afghanistan ended, many of the veteran, you know, volunteers of the afghan jihad returned back home and they started a campaign of terrorism in many countries includie ining algeria and asia. in is not a new phenomenon but there weren't many europeans and now we have europeans. >> you set up this center and you have watched this quite a lot, peter neumann. that makes a big difference because we're in europe and we've seen this spate of terrorism in europe for the last several