happened but another even odder thing which is according to some accounts including oppenheimer's own account he tried to help peter patrick blackett, tried to murder him by leaving a poison apple on his desk, charged with symbolic significance. snow white and so on. whether he did that i am inclined to think he did but there is no incontrovertible evidence that he did that. there is very definite evidence that the authorities at cambridge university became very alarmed at what was happening to him. his parents came over from america to visit him and discuss his situation with the authorities at cambridge. they allow him to continue as a student at cambridge unconditioned that he get psychiatric help. one of the miraculous thing this year is within a few months by the spring of 1926 oppenheimer seems to have shaken off all of that a anxiety, psychosis, and seems to be flourishing. why is that? is it because of the psychiatric help he received? i am inclined to think it is because he turned his attention from experimental physics which he was frustratingly bad act, experimental physics and theoretical physics which