[sniffling] what do you mean, peter panda?y prissypants. i'm just so scared that all the kids at school are gonna be talking about me behind my back. [school bell rings] [indistinct chatter] - heh, and so then, skeletor told terminator he wanted a divorce, and apparently it's all gonna be finalized soon. - dude, butters, how many times do we have to go over this? that's not skeletor, it's a woman named maria shriver. - but then why does his face look like that? [doors bang] - what? what? what? what are you guys talking about? what are you guys doing? what are you talking about? i knew it! you guys are having a big 99% rally, aren't you? occupying the cafeteria? you wanna know why you guys are all here protesting? because you're pissed off, but you actually think it's wrong to be pissed off at a black president, so you're all just pissed off at me! well, go ahead! have your little rally to figure out how to stick it to the 1%-- see what it gets you! [crash] - hey, you know, eric is right.