vaporizing us nukes can instantly disable us big time interviewed by a live science defense analyst peter pryor warns you can use a single weapon to collapse the entire north american power grid once the electric grid goes down everything would collapse everything depends on electricity telecommunications transportation even water price served on the congressional. peak commission as in electromagnetic pulse whose mission was to assess the threat of e.m.p. attacks and i say was because the commission died in 2017 could the lights go out at any moment and if so for how long and is uncle sam prepared let's ask the author of a nation forsaken e.m.p. the escalating threat. of an american catastrophe available on audible and kindle and in hardcover amazon dot com he's contributor and former pentagon official michael maloof michael the auto bowl version of that is great and the day that you and i 1st met 4 years ago when i 1st came to our america you mesmerized me off the top of your head in the green room talking about electromagnetic pulse we finally got around to discussing this on t.v. a give our