c-span: in this photograph, we are looking at peter rodino, who was the chairman of the committee, and david dennis, who was from--now deceased--from indiana. on the other side is a face--she's no longer alive--but... >> guest: barbara jordan, who--who--who when she spoke, it was like god himself was speaking. she had a powerful voice, and what she said had great content and she did not waste her words. she... c-span: and jerome waldie, behind her on the right, there with the glasses, and then paul sarbanes again. >> guest: right. another individual that--that--that had figured, even up to today, so that this picture is one of my favorite photographs, and--and it was published in life magazine when they were doing a story on what happened during the impeachment of the president. c-span: if you had a choice, would you rather shoot black and white or color? >> guest: they're both important. i--black and white has archive value--that's the beauty of it. you know when you're shooting black and white that anything that you photograph is going to last long after you're around. when you shoot