peter rosset, if you could elaborate on what they were both saying. they're saying indigenous people in mexico since the spanish conquest 500 years ago, as they said, have been treated almost like animals in a very recent dutch racist society. that is one of the reasons why the zapatistas rose up and also they knew it would go from bad to worse with nafta and free trade. i think the most important thing now 20 years later is that in one small area, the southeastern mexico where they controlled territory, they managed to create a different system. a small vision of what an alternative society would look like with collective and rotating self-government, with their own autonomous education system to help system, production cooperatives for recovery of local economy, their own system of administration of justice -- in other words, their own little system, which is much more fair than the federal mexican legal system. tremendous promotion of young people and women into positions of importance in the self- government process. it is really exciting to see w