camping -- there is no preacher, whether he is john macarthur, and he is probably my favorite, peter ruckman -- i could mention a whole bunch of them that i listened to. every kristin seized in a glass darkly. but the you know who got used? harold camping. does that mean everything he teaches is true? it does not. but jesus said before i come back the gospel is going to be preached everywhere as a witness, than the end will come. that is what jesus said. count the number of the beast. it is the number of a man. there are three numbers you can arrive at that are the same by counting. 55 is the sum of one through 10. 66 is the sum of one to 11. if you counted 36, you get 666. that is the last time that appears. when you counted 36. i know we have gone over this again, but it began but it bears repeating, because repetition is a very good teacher. there have been 3670-year cycle since the destruction of the temple in 523 b.c. until 1996. the sixth trumpet sounded on november 11, 2001, which is exactly 66.666 months after that, 2008 after that. >> ladies and gentlemen, i speak to you today on be