peter, you were saying in atlanta, mets were playing down there, strauss borging, they had to take him. they were saying it was close to 123 degreesborg, they had to take him out? >> ivs. they were saying it was close to 123 degrees. >> think about that. >> let alone playing professional baseball. >> right. >> it's unbelievable. so here is what i -- here is what i wonder: you know have you ever seen the weather channel talk about and refer to all of this as maybe, maybe just maybe we ought to start taking global warming seriously? what is it? how much more evidence do we need? i mean look. look around you. right? we know the glaciers are disappear disappear disappearing. we see it everywhere. evidence of this we see record temps being set year after year after year. we see storm activity whether it's typhoons o tornados and now duratios for god's sake getting more and more severe and more and more common. a friend of mine in new england yesterday told me that they have reported that the sea level has actually gone up three inches in new england in the last 20 years. so you see signs of