indeed, it has been said that when sir peter -- sir peter tapsell rises -- [laughter] ambiguity is always very dangerous. it has been so that wn sir peter arises, he does so not to speak but to intone superbly. we give you our affectionate congratulations on your position. it is not my purpo today to intone superbly or otherwise, but to recommend theight honorable membe the member for buckingham. i am conscious that as he has said this is not an occasion for long speeches, and therefore i will emulate king henry viii, who is reputed to have said to each of his six wives, of enclosed please do not worry -- i do not intend to keep you long." the right honorable gentleman was elected by secret ballot last year in june, and i have to make a revelation. on that occasion i did not vote for him. i've voted for my right honorable friend the leader of the house, whom i congratulate on the position that he occupies today. but the fact that i did not vote for him is in the sense an opportunity, because i have had the opportunity with an open mind to see the right honorable gentleman act as speaker o