. >> including peter tiel. including peter thiel. >> so sea setting is the performance of their legacy, so in the 1970's machinery of freedom where proposed that if houses were on wheels and people can chose the countries they want, you economic solution to political problems. the next decade miltÓn wrote free to choose, what if people could choose to be governed less? so patrick freedman chose and he said if we made our own lands and instead of over control, we voted with our houses by moving them about and choosing the neighbors we want, we could unleash an economic solution to political problems, we could choose the societies we want and selection by citizens and unleash evolution and government, -- >> so who essentially govern it is people off of thailand and who is governing the people of sealand, there's still property of britain, correct? >> sealand is property of britain because territorial seas have expanded to encompass sealand and sealand takes position that it's independent and britain ignores them.