- peter tork. - oh peter! - davy. - peter! - davy. - peter! - davy. - untie me, you know, we've gotta get out. - oh yes, i'll have you out of here, untie the knot, just as soon as i... lemme see, oh yes, you know the knot? well there's a little part underneath it. peter, my finger, don't pull on my finger, will you? - peter's gotta have found davy by now. let's get outta here. - [mikey] el tolencio and myself, wish to thank you for the banquet, but the wine and everything, we need to get some air. - some air! - some air, we gotta get outta here. - stick it through the figure eight. now do it, will you? now, underneath, you see the string hanging down, rossed like a figure, well, an eight, an eight. it's shaped like this, an eight, you got that? well anyway, you take that, and you take the loose end. been here for 25 minutes. (shouting) - oh no mr. bandit, please don't. - peter, you're choking me. - bango, bango bango bango! - mr. bandit, please don't. - don't what? it's mike and, i mean it's micky and mike! - mikey and mike who? - micky and mi