on nightwatch i have two lieutenants, peter walsh and una bailey >> 10 sergeants 32 patrol services and one public service aide. on our investigative team we have one lieutenant, and five investigators. and we have three patrol services assigned to motorcycle duty. we are also a very diverse station. reflecting our community. there are a total of 12 female officers, one asian-pacific islander, three african-americans, seven caucasian and one latina. richmond officers also speak a variety of languages of we speak, et cetera. year-to-date our violent crimes are down 17% for aggravated assaults, homicides we have one last year and we have had one this year and robbery, is down 5% and rape is the same as last year, five rapes. we have really focused the lion's share of our efforts on reducing violent crime and i think it shows in the numbers. your year-to-date property crimes are up. we have met repeatedly to streamline what is going on. in march and april people start to vacation places in golden gate park and that is where we see the rise come. we work with the assistant district attorney