that is sort of the big thing, peter, because you and i can go house hunting and find our dream home. but until we know how to pay for it, it's meaningless. with mark warner not providing those details, how does anybody back this thing? when you go back to your constituents, their number one question is, am i going to pay? >> the spending part is the easy part. everyone likes to spend money, especially other people's money, it's how you pay for it. you're absolutely right and that's going to be the nub for a lot of members of congress, can you find enough taxes, only on the wealthy, on corporations, the kind of things that president biden has talked about, that will fund this amount of money in a reasonable way, in other words, not in a magical accounting kind of way. you already hear talk on capitol hill about using some of the accounting tricks that have been used in the past that didn't fully fund past spending projects, assuming economic growth that you don't know is going to happen, that kind of thing. and there's been a lot of assumptions in the hard infrastructure bill about what can be used to fund that, whether or not the beefed-up irs can bring