take a look at exhibit 39 if you would, peter welland. this exhibit lists the breaches from september 20, 2011, through april 30, 2012. it is page after page after page after page after page of breaches. by the way, most of them change the model. if you look just at the breaches involving the fdp, in the last quarter of 2011 and the first quarter of 2012 you see a huge jump. six breeches in the synthetic credit portfolio to over 170 breaches so from the last quarter of 2011, the first quarter of 2012, the number of breaches jumped 6 to 170 and in april of 2012, there were 116 reaches. so almost as many in that one month of april as the three previous months combined and those three month had 160, 70 breaches compared to the six in the previous quarter. would you agree that when you have that kind of a huge jump in raise limit breaches that that is a worrisome pattern? would you agree to that? >> large jump is a worrisome pattern but i would say by april the action of trading already occurred, breaches and risk metrics can change even with