and i'm proud that my colleagues on this committee, chris murphy and peter welsh, have joined me in introducing the choices bill to give health insurance patients a public health insurance option with no discrimination so we don't have to go through these nightmares anymore. with that, i yield back. >> thank you. that concludes the opening statements of all members. one of our witnesses had to step out just for a moment. ,,t's stand in recess the hearing will come back to order. as i stated before we had the brief recess, that concludes the opening statements by members of the subcommittee. i would like to call upon our first panel of witnesses. our first panel we have robin beaton, who is a policyholder from walkahatchee, texas. miss peggy raddatz from illinois. and miss wittney horton from los angeles, california. welcome all of you. thank you for coming. it's the policy of the subcommittee to take all testimony under oath. please be advised that you have a right under the rules of the house to be advised by counsel during your testimony. do you wish to be represent the by counsel during your