today we will talk with father peter zaidi, a priest of the divine word society who directs the chinese archdiocese. to find out a little history, and perhaps. into the future. after this brief break priest join us base they should -- please join us for a conversation. [ music ] hello and thank you for joining us on mosaic, our guest today is father peter zaidi. and he is director of chinese pastoral ministries. >> yes, i am director of chinese ministry here in arch diocese of san francisco . >> along of you been doing that work? >> for five years. >> and you live in the city ? >> yes, i live in the city, in st. anne of sunset. >> and that is one of six or seven parishes that have chinese mass ? >> yes, we have sunday mass, actually saturday at 12 pm. >> is your mass in cantonese or mandarin? >> actually i am doing the mass and i only speak mandarin, when i came here. but i learned cantonese and now i celebrate mass in cantonese, and i preach in mandarin. i also learned how to preach a little bit in cantonese. >> your english is good and i've heard you preach but i haven't heard you pre