peterfirxeculd, eve director of library users association. i want to thank you very much for the many qioou have had gal andarticularly to the library. they are not used to being in a forum where they don't control everything, and their responses were very interesting let me make some general statements about radio frequency identification, $3.4 million project they want to install and then spend about $200,000 a year for the ne years supporting. first of all, rf patrony, enaasf the book to be r without the knowledge or consent of the person carrying the item and it can be read through clothing and a closed container like a purse or briefcase. rfid, second of all, a huge security hole and that is it leaves the library wide open to massive and undetected losses from people who may intentiona or unintentionally have a very inexpensive and readily available material that they can basically put the books or other materials into or have the signal so that the reader has no ide what's going out the door. rfid poses potential health s radio frequenc