animal research, like it or not, at least there's the pee -- petina that saves lives. with hunting, i don't see the justification. more americans are in favor of hunting than animal research. even people who think deeply about the issues are conflicted about it. i've been studying exvegetarians which will -- are a lot because three of four vegetarians eventually go back to eating meat, and probably some of you are those people. i won't make you raise your hand, but the other thing about vegetarians is -- i made the mistake of reading a couple days ago asking them how many are you are vegetarians in the room? they raised their hand and then i called them liars. i said i would never do that again because i felt the hostility from the crowd. [laughter] most self-described vegetarians eat meat. i know this from the study that the u.s. department of agriculture did where they called 30,000 people up randomly on the phone and asked them how do you describe your diet? about 5% of the people said they were vegetarian, and then about four weeks later, the department of agricult