there is a suburb called petionville where a lot of houses, luxury homes, have collapsed.nd they're reporting a lot of deaths. >> a lot of deaths, yeah. that's the sort of thing we've been hearing. danielle has been listening in to the local language feeds that have been coming in here, actually, via the internet. the internet playing an important role getting information to you, larry. we've still got the facebook pictures up here. we've actually been in contact with the fellow who has this facebook page. we talked to him on skype, in fact. this is one of the first lots of images that we got posted on facebook when the phones weren't working, when a lot of infrastructure had gone down. social media kicked in again. talia is keeping an eye on twitpics, a lot going on on twitter. people are calling in wanting to know how to help. now, i got to say, one of the best web sites for that is one of ours, it's your world web site, all kinds of information about gruc groups that are there, groups that are going there, ways you can help. people are really asking for