also of of general lee and stonewall jackson, that many homes now -- let me say i grew up in petitionersburg, and it was like the yankees were still on the other side of the appomattox river waiting to attack so petersburg it's different but many people in nice homes have these sort of somber reminders of their confederate heritage, but you know, never saw any confederate flags in these homes. i'm kind of curious where would you put the flag in the whole panoply of lost cause art? >> it shows up in prints, and a lot of -- there are lot of lost cause prints with the battle flag and a lot of prints of the various versions of the flag. it's a good time now to make sure i don't leave the impression other confederate flags were completely forgotten but certainly the battle flag of whatever size and shape became the primary flag, even in lost cause art. there will paint examination prints done of confederate flags, usually the first second third naval jack and battle flag together, and those adorned some homes. it was what i eluded to earlier in this relatively restricted use of the flag between t