petitioo drive.../ to... put the measure .../ on... the... november...ast session.../////. áámcdonougháá says...//// its ...just part.../ of... a major...// "grass roots"... effort. "it's gonna attract tens of thousands of volunteers theres no question about it, we witnessed that last summer with the petition drive. so, its going to be a massive campaign, probably the first time this kind of campaign has been undertaken in maryland- not around a candidate, but issue." mcdonough... expects ...// the opposition be... well-funded...// 3 new.../ viral... video.../ of... casey anthony.../// ááitáá could be... the first.../ we've,,, seen of her,,,. áásinceáá... she... was aquitted.../ of... murdering.../// her... daughter .../ in july. "this is my first video's october 13, which is a thursday, 2011" 2011" in.../ this... you-tube video...// , ááyouáá can... see.../ she... changed her look...//. ááheráá hair's... shorter and lighter...//. áásheáá doesn't... say...// where... she is.../ áábutáá plans leave... florida...// when... she can. "