. >> commissioner petra dejesus. >> in route. >> commissioner angela chan. >> present. >> commissioner james hammer. >> present. >> commissioner carol kingsley. >> present. >> commissioner james slaughter. >> present. >> commission president you have a quorum. also on the dais, acting chief of police jeffrey godam and joyce hicks. >> thank you, lieutenant. welcome to the wednesday, january 12, 2011 first police commission meeting of the year noor at city hall. i would start with we don't have anything to report but that would be inaccurate. what we're going to do tonight is we're go to take a line item out of order, given we see quite an audience here. we would like to move down to line item number five, which is routine administrative business. and go into subcategory b, which is scheduling of items identified for consideration of future commission meetings. if you could call that please, lieutenant. >> item 5-b, routine administrative business, scheduling of items identified for consideration of future commission meetings. it's an action item. >> thank you, lieutenant. commissioners,