the company petra ios confirmed plans to cease operations at its enterprise. about half a thousand people will lose their jobs. as reported, this was taken due to the impossibility of competing with similar enterprises in asia, africa and the middle east. according to bbc estimates, the enterprise is losing approximately 500 thousand dollars a day and may record a loss of about 200 million by the end of 2024. the asange case lives on, the new yorker has published the largest database of possible american war crimes committed in iraq and afghanistan. the document contains violations that took place in the period after the september 11 terrorist attacks, a total of 781 cases, of which at least 65% of the charges were dismissed by the investigation, which did not believe that the crime had occurred at all. for example, the database includes the haditha massacre, when us marines killed 24 people, including women and children. it turned out that the cases of three of the four suspects were eventually closed. the fourth , as part of a plea bargain, was found guilty