you might think it a bit of a stretch to segue from former head of state to a supermodel, but petra nemcova's story is worth your time. she was injured in thailand when the 2004 tsunami hit. her fiancÉ was tragically killed but petra survived, and it was a life-changing experience. she started the "happy hearts foundation." >> coming back from thailand, after i could walk again i found my sister and we went to see how we could help. visiting hospitals cheryls temporary schools and learning what are the needs and what are the most impactful solutions for the long term. and understanding that school is such a center of a community. when you've rebuilt safe schools, it helps healing from the trauma for the children. it gives them educational opportunities so they can get better jobs and employment. through that they can help their own family. while children are safe at school parents can start working to feed the children. because school is such the center of the community, it's a community center. all the houses are still damaged, it gives the community help to rebuild and they can do it. so th