like many seniors, petra valenzuela... and amelia acosta are experiencing life fully, working at a child care center in their community. it's very important that we have an intergenerational staff. they offer the cldren a kind of chronological perspective on life. somemes they need affectn. sometimes they ed help. and you know that you're giving something to them, and they appreciate it. let me tell you, working and helping the children... and knowing that i'm doing something for somebody else, that's beautiful; you know giving of myself. i hold it for you. you put the shovel. and i love it because fe that i'm still needed. as old as i'm getting, m still need. a tiger ! a tiger ! a pig ! a pig ! did you see a tiger ? you saw a tiger, and she saw a pig. see ? each of you saw something. once in awhile, you get tired, but i mean there's a reward to everything we do here for every challenge. i don't think i would enjoy staying home. four walls, no. i'd just have to get up and go. i would definitely recommend to other seniors t