solvatten, or sun water, is a new water purifier invented by swedish artist and microbiologist petra wadstrom. >> the story begin in australia, where there was a lot of sun, and we were there. and now it's nearly 50 years ago. but unused sunshine, and i thought, that should not be like that. now we are traveling a lot to different project areas, mainly to africa, and you can really see how people struggling every day to get safe water. >> people aren't the only ones affected. the environment pays a price as well. making water safe to drink requires boiling, and that means using fuels like wood, charcoal, coal, or dung-- fuels that contribute to defestation and to carbon emissions. unlike these boiling methods, solvatten helps reduce carbon emissions. it is portable, requires no batteries, supplies, or spare parts. the supply of energy for purification--sunlight--is endless. >> and when you have filled it, you put it in the sunso you use the solar energy and create heat. and with the heat, you destroy the bacterial cell memane, so that hurts, or destroys, the dna code, so they can't reproduce,