every evening petrik or goes to bed early he'll have to wake up at 430 if he wants any chance of getting work tomorrow. god what a curse it life this is. but peter is not alone in his plight yulian montoya from italy's construction union knows of many others just like him originally from romania he says many of his countrymen come to italy hoping for fast cash but the one they came because they were promised the land of milk and honey here but they found something entirely different. pay to go was also looking for a better life when he set out from romania to italy many years ago. this is where he used to live in the village of s. now now his house is abandoned his family has moved away many other houses stand empty here the local bar is the only place left with a bit of life in it here they remember their previous neighbor oh ok tell me it's out of money he said there was no point staying here in a country that now is earning his daily bread and everything else he needs to come back being if i could go a long way i think it's better to stay here on a romanian feels. at least here you ca