i greatly appreciate having been on the petrillo hill so long. the concepts mentioned by the other side, such as pharmacy, banks, grocery, library, park, we're talking something of over 1,000 feet and ain't going to happen here. this is a legitimate business. it fits the neighborhood plan. it fits the pdr concept and these are people that in other businesses and in other activities in san francisco are highly respected, long-term. they're not coming in without experience in san francisco. i opened my mouth at a neighborhood meeting a week or so ago and as my wife tells me, if you open your mouth, you have to follow through. so i wasn't here two weeks ago for the unconditional use, but i am here for this. i would have been before and i would have supported the project. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm dr. lupus. i was employed by the san francisco school district for 30 years as a teacher, academy e ac count legislator. i have known louie since 1991 and he was an outstanding student. his outstanding quality, however, was h