then i hid it in my garage, wait, none of the locals, not even the security guard, recognized petrishchevoed to carry out a raid and divide the money in half, you mean an attack on gubin. yes, for a collector, for this one, no, well, honestly, i know, you may think, but i swear, i didn’t shoot a cuban, especially not for makruho, i don’t subscribe, well, that’s understandable, i’m serious, you can conduct an investigative experiment , do whatever you want, but listen, yakubov, for such a non-makrug lover, as you say, you killed your comrade too easily, these are generally different things, it’s different if you do. then we need to do it cleanly, we first agreed that we would divide everything equally, and he began to say that my share should be larger there and, well, of course, you immediately decided that it would be much better to ruin your comrade and take all the money for yourself simpler, yes, and more reliable, because they are looking for petrishchi, and if they find him, they will split him for rape and robbery, yes, that’s what i thought, we already understood this, so what kind