strength of this civilian non-violent resistance, that is, they are quite like andrii illenko and petro kuzykon your broadcast that our guys are working competently. what is this? well , you should not underestimate the enemy. he is very insidious, cunning, cunning, cynical, bloodthirsty. he works with only one goal, that is, ukrainization, nowhere , nazification, nowhere, militarization, the real goal is where ukrainization of ukraine, but this was already in our history, when they forced people to go to collective farms, and people did not want to go, and did not want to give in, so they started with the intelligentsia. and who was the first rural intelligentsia ? the priests, that's why, that's why they were exterminated, that's why they were sent either to camps or shot under the wall. it's just a kind of deja vu, but you know what's interesting, now there are searches in the orthodox churches of the moscow patriarchate in bukovina . the sbu has already visited there. the sbu has also visited frankiv oblast. there were many churches of the moscow patriarchate in kyiv and in zaporizhzhia.