karen shaw petrou, good to see you and matthew gambs, we appreciate you joining us. thank you both. >> brown: now, for the other news of the day, here's hari sreenivasan in our newsroom. hari. >> sreenivasan: the end appeared in sight today for the us senate after 25 days of debating health care reform. newshour health correspondent betty ann bowser reports. >> reporter: it was the news debate-weary senators had been waiting to hear for weeks. majority leader harry reid announced late today, the final vote on the democrats' health care reform bill is set for 8:00 am on christmas eve. >> the yays and nays are mandatory under the rule. the clerk will call the roll. >> reporter: the word came hours after democrats prevailed again on 3 more test votes by a 60 to 39 margin on each one. following those votes reid addressed the rancor that had grown as debate moved closer to christmas, urging both sides of the aisle to "try and get along". >> mr. president, i said after the senate opened today, and i'll say it again, because of the long hours, there is a lot of tension in t