they also offer advice by email facebook twitter, instagram, and petrus and for the first time texting.>> you know how we get our information has changed. people want the information when they wanted and how they want in whatever format that they want. >> another of those turkey hotline coaches says he sees other differences. that more men are starting to cook turkey and, there is a stylistic difference between genders. men are more interested in deep frying, smoking, or injecting. most of women are more traditional. >>> new this morning, his final day as commander-in-chief that's his final turkey day for commander-in-chief he spoke. >> no matter our differences, we are still when people we are part of something bigger than ourselves. we are communities that forward together we are neighbors. we look out for one another especially those among us with the least. >> president. obama says that americans have many things to give thanks for including liberties, values, and democracy. he added that our best days will always be ahead. >>> people are camped out where they think that they can g