but the only way he can win is to turn out that base, not just passively pettithave it vote ort vote. the turnout can be the difference in critical states like ohio between winning or losing. that is what karl rove it discovered in 2004 t. every time he does more for the base, he loses the middle. >> that was the bush strategy but not the romney strategy. romney in genetically cannot fire it up. he has to go back --romney intrinsically cannot fire it up. he has to go with the fact that we have had three years of obama's rule at they don't want 88 years. the study showed that the positive word from our-- for romney are good, electable. bush -- "now is the time for republicans to unite behind a romney it and take our message to voters in the fall." >> he wants this over because the longer it drags out, the harder it is for romney. the problem is that romney cannot hold his conservative base and win independents. he cannot do both. >> sure he can. >> the positions on immigration, planned parenthood -- you cannot move to the center with those positions. you cannot do it. >> at what point