now they have a brand new cd called "goen deluxe," featuring the single "downtown," not the petula clarkwn >> you're is fantastic. >> ours is different. >>ongratulations on the baby girl. how old is she? >> 6 months old toy. >> how is that going? look at her, hoda won. has she been on tour yet? >> she's not been on the bus, but shs been on planes. her first flight was to l.a. she's been great. we took a stroll through central pa. >> so she's with you? >> yes. >> we startouring in january, and so we'll have her own famil bus. we'll have sarate buses, but -- >> you had tchange your whole tour plans around because of this little excitement, huh? >> we d. but you knowhat? it's been the most beautiful surprisend i can't imagine life without her. >> of course not, no. >> the gre thing about this cd 's a compilation of ur greatest hits? >> what we did, we had a littl break,obously, this summer. so, werote some songs and found the song compas we released the record and gone away all smer and felt we waed to have new material to re the fans up. >> my baby is 3 weeks old and the boys are coming ov