peyton mccrary served as a former historian, thanks for giving us your time.uest: happy to be here. host: when it comes to the large topic of voting rights, what was the significance of this particular case? guest: the specific case was a welcome surprise to many election law experts because it simply affirmed the way in which the supreme court has addressed cases brought under section two of the voting rights act for almost 40 years. host: when it comes to the specifics of the case, set it up as far as the challenging party and those bringing the case. what was the significance of the case? guest: the challenge was brought by minority voters in alabama on the redistricting plan created by the alabama legislature after the 2020 senses on the grounds that it diluted minority voting strength, limiting african-americans representational opportunities to one district out of seven when the black population of the state was over 25%. this was the kind of challenge that's been brought by minority plaintiffs for well over 40 years, even before section two of the votin