electoral institute would like to thank the autonomous university of baja california as well as the pfisterector's office here in -- the viceus director's office here in the tijuana campus. thank you, we would like to candidate lopez obrador, candidate anaya for the coalition of mexico and an independent candidate, known as el bronco. the studio audience is made up of 42 people elected from a representative sample from the population of tijuana. they were selected randomly by a private company. these citizens have not decided who they are going to vote for. they do have the intention to go to the polls. each of these people will ask two questions related to issues involving the debate. the moderators will select six questions that will be asked directly. the first segment, candidates will respond to the same question asked by one of the citizens following the list selected randomly. the candidates will have one minute to respond and up to two minutes to follow up. additionally, they will have a right to two rebuttals of 30 seconds each. those are the rules of this historic debate. you have