committee made up of caltran, and caltrain and mta and city departments, high-speed rail authority, pgta, all the major players. and to give you an idea of the schedule, we did issue an rfp in january, and we are in final negotiations with the contractor and anticipate a contract late this month or next month. phase 1 that is an feasibility assessment will take six to nine months, and phase 2 is the alternatives that is 12-15 months. i want to note out of this contract is not a preferred alternative, but one, two or three alternatives that work with those five components for further study. and completion of the contract is 2015-june, 2016. and going on to that second contract, determining that preferred alternative to the available alternative and the mayor's environmental clearance and implementation. with that is there any questions i can help you with? >> members? >> i don't necessarily have any specific questions, i don't feel i am enough of an expert of developing rail yards to offer advise. but the idea around it and maximizing that space that is used for caltrain but has so much p