, although they did not know about eternal life reward, although socrates, generally speaking, in phaedobe advised to read this, it’s difficult, so he already says: so i’m definitely not afraid of death anymore, because i crito says, when how to bury you, bury me, no, he said this: bury him if you catch him, if they run away from you, let’s put it this way, that is, he is firmly convinced, that he simply passes into another existence, moreover, from a sicker existence into a healthier existence, because the latter is again weak to death, which criton sacrificed to the slaying of a rooster, the oscleing of the god of mortification among the greeks. and to him it is a person who is sick, but healed, as he should would be sacrificed, that is, socrates perceives death as healing, that is, this is already on this last day of his, the last day of his life, fidon becomes a metaphor for the immortality of the soul. mendelssohn then writes his phaedon, mendelssohn’s ideas influence alexander nikolaevich radeshchy, his treatise on man, his mortality and immortality, that is, we can say that here w