this is phantom covert ops, which lets players move around without giving them motion sickness.eleport your character to move around or push a stick to move them around, and that takes you out of the experience a little bit. the really unique and powerful thing about putting you in control of a kaya k about putting you in control of a kayak is that you are driving the motion with your arms, and that is exactly what the character in the game is doing as well. so what is the future for virtual reality? there is a tendency to try and become a cross media entertainment proposition in terms of vr, so they have 360 degrees video, but it doesn't really fulfil the promise of vr. so i think focusing on interactive content is the way to go. while players at e3 were happy to cue to try the latest games, there was little made of its educational or social applications. the view from e3 seems to be that vr has found its groove with gaming. now let's brief you on some other business stories: a uk ban has come into force on adverts featuring harmful gender stereotypes or those which are likely